As a result of having better data, we have identified the staff that we should be asking more of, who we should be giving more time to, and highlighted more opportunities to train. We’re finding cube19 an increasingly valuable tool in helping us to motivate employees and drive growth in our business.
Chirag Patel IT & Operations Manager, Astbury Marsden -
Since implementing cube19 in November 2017 we have been setting targets and objectives that encourage the team to self-manage. This renewed focus on core activities has led to a 123% increase in sales compared to the same period last year, whilst the headcount has remained static. The team is very happy with their new autonomy, and cube19 has more than paid for itself many times over.
Christopher Purdy Christopher Purdy, MD at Greenfield -
cube19 is modern, efficient and engaging. It’s proved a huge hit with our consultants who want to monitor their own performance, managers looking to complete 1-2-1s right up to Director level for forecasting and our crucial numbers. As our main user, the thing for me that really sets cube19 apart from any other software we use across all our functions, is their amazing support team. cube19’s support team are friendly, approachable and speedy with their responses.
Joanna Doyle Operations Manager
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