Contractor redeployment is an entire market opportunity that’s being missed by recruitment.

Industry-wide data shows that over 60% of contract finishers (i.e. not being extended in their current role) are not redeployed into their next role by the same agency. More worryingly, nearly half of the finishers were not even contacted by the recruiter about their next role.

Why is contractor redeployment so important?

Existing contractors are invaluable assets. With all the time and cost that goes into placing a contractor into their first role (references, compliance, payroll etc), placing them into their next role is the fastest and easiest route to continued revenue, and you already have the reference from their last role as they are your client! Besides if a contractor has had a good experience working with you, maybe they’ll agree to exclusive representation, and you have a potentially lucrative opportunity at your disposal – a contractor not yet on the market who will be seeking a new project. Now is a great opportunity to proactively approach clients who you know will need contractors with this skill set. 

Don’t let the good one’s Go!

cube19’s Contractor Health metrics in OneView are designed to provide you with real-time visibility of your current contractors and finishers statuses. The metrics allow you to be proactive in the management of your contract book and identify the underlying activities that need to be completed to give your business the best chance of optimising your contractor assets.

cube19 enables you to clearly identify contractors whose contracts end within the period selected, those being extended or redeployed and those subsequently at risk of finishing without any of these activities occurring.

Additionally, these metrics will allow you to create powerful new ratios including a Redeployment % which will allow your business to track how effectively your business is addressing this opportunity on an ongoing basis.

Contractor redeployment

If you’re an existing customer and would like to get our Contractor Health metrics suite into cube19, please contact

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