I wanted to write a short article today just to remind you guys out there about a couple of hidden gems that are sometimes overlooked within the fantastic Jobs Pipeline section of cube19. 

I will highlight them below and give a brief scenario of each and why they can be useful!

Managing your recruitment pipeline with cube19

Nestled away and tucked nicely below where you chose which type of recruitment pipeline you want to view (Jobs added/ Live jobs etc) sits a little section where you can free text a name that will filter the job list even further! Have a look in Jobs pipeline right now..here is a screen shot to help:

Overlook this at your peril as it can be very useful indeed…let me explain why. 🙂

Client name

You can use this search bar to type in a client name! By doing this all the jobs listed below will only be jobs from said client. So why is it good? Well, let’s say you have a review call with a client and you want to go through all the live jobs you have with them or even look at the last 12 months of jobs added? By filtering by client, you can go through each of the roles specific to them and by expanding each role, analyse and dissect what happened to each and discuss with the client. It may show you that you only ever get to ‘CV’s Sent stage’ on certain roles giving you the ammunition to bring that up with the client and find out what the breakdown is! How good is that?? Make use of it guys and gals!


In the same search bar..type in any contact NAME and get all the jobs below that they are the contact for! Brilliant! Example…I’m going to call my best contact Joe Bloggs today at Coca-cola and go through all the jobs I have on with him at the moment….type in Joe Bloggs and away you go!

Job Title

Type in job title and it will filter all the roles you have with the same job title regardless of client. Imagine you work many roles of a similar kind…bring them all up and see where you are with each one, expand each role and then see who the candidates were…are there any in here that you could send to some of the other similar roles?? Amazing!!!

In all three examples above, just by using that search bar you can really get extra benefit to an already outstanding part of cube19.

I’m not done yet folks, take a look to the right of that search bar and you will see another, this time dedicated to one thing and one thing only….Candidates!!

recruitment pipeline

Candidate name

Type in the candidate name and instantly the list below will now filter to show jobs that you have sent that particular candidate too! Think about it, you have a superstar candidate that you have sent out to as many similar roles and clients as you can, how would it be by simply searching by that candidate, see ALL the roles they have been sent too and not only that, what stage they are at with each role. Brilliant!!!!!

I haven’t finished yet….last thing!

Golden Spanner

‘What is that?’ I hear you cry. Well it’s there…to the left of the client column in the list of vacancies you bring up! Here’s another screenshot.. I’ll make it easy on you…

recruitment pipeline

Have a click on that and you will see it brings up a multitude of column options to view!

A few examples below:

Contact – as you know you already see the Client and the Job Title but it could be you want to view the client contact name as well! Asy, tick the box and alakazam..it appears. Super easy and quick reminder of who your contact is for each role you have.

Priority – By ticking this box an extra column appears showing the priority of the job! Again assuming you use this functionality in Bullhorn, not only can you see your list of jobs but also the different priorities for each. It’s great isn’t it!

Job ID – Literally have a column showing the job ID sent from your CRM simple but easy information that you could view.

All of the options in here are a personal preference and the best thing is you can create any view you like and it won’t alter anyone else’s so you don’t need to worry about that…create the view you like and leave it at that.

So that’s it, just a little hints and tips article really to remind you of some of the lesser-used and forgotten parts of Jobs Pipeline that really can make a difference and help you with managing your recruitment pipeline.